Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 New Years Resolutions

1. This year I will publish some form of my writing. Be it a story, book, whatever, it will get published this year. I will also deticate at least 20 minutes to writing at least 4 days a week.

2. I will work very hard and get strait A's this year. I will also work on overcoming procrastination and attempt to become better motivated.

3. I will work on starting/completing certain projects that I have been creating in my head for a long time.

4. I will swim at least 20 lengths a week (or more) every week until my first aid courses start in March.

5. I will find friends or family members who will hold me to my resolutions so they actually happen.

2010 will be a good year. I know this on the first day of the year. I can't wait to jump into the next 364.


  1. Good luck on your 2010 resolutions ~ although I do believe we make our own luck! I look forward to reading your blog and hearing how you are doing on your goals.

  2. Darcy, you are on the right track. It has been said that to be successful in achieving your goals, it is important to share them with your friends, family and anyone in your inner circle. By publicing acknowledging them, you will be a deeper obligation to work towards them. These look like great goals to aspire to!
