Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tuesday Night Out

Tuesday this week I proved to myself and the world that I actually have a social life. Well sort of anyway. We had a carol band performance right after school (the entire band and audience all got to witness my stand colapse and all the music in my folder go flying across the floor) and we got back to school around 5pm. Then, for the first time ever I took the bus by myself all the way downtown (in the dark I might add!) and met up with one of my friends at the Conservatory of Music after her singing class and we walked down to the Royal Theatre for Stuart McLean's Christmas Show 2009. I went 2 years ago with Mer (my friend in question) and my dad and his girlfriend. It was great then and it was now too, only it was so much better because we were alone!! No grown-ups!!! I listen to the Vinyl Cafe almost every week and I love it! The stories, both true and fictional (Stuart is SUCH a great writer!! Just like I will be someday) the appreciation of young musical talent and one thing I love is he always has something good to say about whatever town or city he ends up in. I doubt there's a place in Canada he's been to and hasn't loved. I'm the same way and believe me I've seen a lot of Canada in my short life. My mom picked us up after and we dropped Mer off and then came home. I had to do my homework on the bus on the way down there as well as before the bell the next day but it was an evening I'll never take back no matter what!!