Monday, December 7, 2009

Windy, Winter Weather

It's hardly rained here since December started. It's been beautiful in fact: crystal clear blue sky, bright sunshine beaming down all day, night begins and 4:30pm and ends just after 7:00am and it is absolutely freezing cold from dawn until dusk. I am so much in love with my winter coat; it's warm and thick and just wraps me up in warmth. And it's zip out liner is an atractive coat for late fall and early spring. I had band first block today (after going to the orthodontist to get an imprint for a new retainer... Ugh!!) and about half an hour in the power went out. It's been really windy the last few days so that wasn't anything really major and we made due. But about 20 minutes later both the vice principals came in and asked if one of the bass players had plugged in an amp that had overloaded the outlet and one kid said yes, he had. There were already about six plugged in and the cold weather hadn't helped that situation. They were quite exasperated by that and so was the band teacher. At the end of class when we were about to leave he made us stay and said: "The band program has broken the school." That was what had blown out the power. He also added "The band program had also broken the neighbourhood." So we blew out the power for everything around us too. We all laughed and cheered and said "Yay, go us!!" then they got the power back on and we continued our day. Ah, the memories you make in high school.