Friday, October 9, 2009


I had the strangest dream last night. I can hardly even explain it, it just didn't make any sense at all. That happens to me a lot. Every time (which isn't very often let me tell you) that I can actually remember my dreams they are always the same: Weird, unexplainable and unrealistic. Sometimes I wake up and it takes a second for my brain to register that it wasn't real, it was only a dream. They aren't nightmares, they're just unreal. But when I really think about it there is always some sort of link between the dreams and real life. Like, if I'm really thinking about something, or if I'm nervous or anticipating something I'm more likely to remember my dreams, and whatever's on my mind gets tied into the dream. It's almost as if my unconscious mind is trying to sort out what my conscious mind can't. It's an interesting concept when you think about it. It's as if there's a hidden message all wrapped up inside letting you know something about yourself, whether it's to slow down and think things through, or to do a job you've been putting off or just to enjoy life as it happens and not worry too far into the future. We should all be grateful for that reason that we have dreams. They're more important than we think.