Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Question for the Day...

I have questions. Not normal every day questions ("Where's my favorite pen?" "What's wrong with the sink?" "How do you do this math problem?" etc.) but actual, deep, life questions. Here's today's question: "What is it about people that we need each other so much?" When we feel sad we put a hand on someone's shoulder or hug or just sit in their presence. When we're happy we want to find the people we care about and share our happiness. When bad things happen most people would rather be with people (friends, family, anyone really) then be alone. People are better than no people. Same thing when bad thing happen, we'd rather be with people then alone. It's an interesting point, and I think I understand why it's like that. It's just the way humans were made. We are built to be caring, loving creatures. We can't survive on our own. True, with the right resources and equipment, physically we can live alone all our lives. But emotionally, we need people, we need that warm feeling deep down inside that you get when you know there's someone in the world that cares about you. That is why we need each other so much. For some they don't mind showing love of life and everything around them, for others it's more important to shove personal feelings deep down and try to lose them down there. But you can't deny the fact that we are built this way like it or not. It's one of those things that we just have to come to tearms with and accept, sooner rather than later. "Live to laughingly love life!"