Monday, November 23, 2009

Quiet Monday

It rained most of the day again today. I didn't have school (Pro-D day) so I slept late, did some laundry and dishes, cleaned my room, and watched about four episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. My aunt came for a visit two summers ago and left the entire series on our computer, and I am HOOKED on it!!! I am in season 5 of 7, and I just hit the point where Buffy's mom died. I don't think she's really dead though. I mean, lots of characters die in this show, but her mom died of natural causes and everyone else was brutally murdered by a vampire or demon. Oh well. We'll see how it all unfolds. It's just a show right? But it got me thinking about life. The older I get the more aware I get of how often people do die, and you just never can tell when it'll happen. Even if you're ready, you're never really ready right? Not if it's someone you really and truly loved. I'm always saying how my life is boring and I wish something would happen, but not anything bad. I don't want anything bad to happen ever. In my mind, TV ought to stay in it's televised state, not invade real life. Anyway, after babbling about that I'll just conclude by saying that was how I spent my Monday off. Back to school tomorrow. And in the mean time, I have to change the wash.

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