Saturday, October 17, 2009


Time is a fascinating thing. It is untamable, unstoppable and always, very much so in existence. We have tried over the centuries to control and understand it, and we have achieved it, to a certain extent. We have split what we call a year into twelve months, and those months have been split into weeks, which have been split into days. Each day in turn, is split into 24 hours, each hour split into 60 minutes and each minute is 60 seconds. We say it is morning when the sun is up, but our clocks say that it is morning around five or six am, regardless or whether or not the sun is out yet. We cannot stop time, we cannot reverse it. No matter how often we want to or try to (not necesarily in real life. Sci-fi, for example) we can't.

People grow. We are born and we die, and we live in between. We make mistakes, we say and do things we regret and we can never get them back again. Once it's out there it's out there for good because we can't go back and undo it. We can't stop time. We are incapable of freezing hours, days, years when we think we need a little extra time before moving on with our lives. Like it or not, it always keeps moving. Morning will always come, things we dread about for ages come, we get through them and we move on. As much as we can't move time backwards, we can't move it forward either. We can't go forward and see where we will end up. For the most part I think that's good. We as humans shouldn't have the power to see into our futurs. We can make our plans, but things beyond our control will always happen. I think it makes us better creatures over all to deal with these things as they come, not to predict them, not to prepare for them, just to on the spot deal with them.

Time as we've set it out, will always move forward at the same speed it always has. Yet, as we get older and busier time can seem to move slower or faster. Often times it's faster. You wake up one morning and realize a whole year's practically passed without you hardly noticing. A lot happens in a year. A lot changes. And it's meant to. Because time is healing. We think thing through we over come our roadblocks and we move along. It's the way it should be. It is the way the world was created to be.

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