Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 New Years Resolutions

1. This year I will publish some form of my writing. Be it a story, book, whatever, it will get published this year. I will also deticate at least 20 minutes to writing at least 4 days a week.

2. I will work very hard and get strait A's this year. I will also work on overcoming procrastination and attempt to become better motivated.

3. I will work on starting/completing certain projects that I have been creating in my head for a long time.

4. I will swim at least 20 lengths a week (or more) every week until my first aid courses start in March.

5. I will find friends or family members who will hold me to my resolutions so they actually happen.

2010 will be a good year. I know this on the first day of the year. I can't wait to jump into the next 364.